Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yes, our sweet girl turned five years old yesterday!!! She had 2 friends over Monday night for a sleepover, but the poor thing got sick during it. She is still sick with a fever, cough and sore throat. I am hoping she feels better by Friday when we are travelling to Jacksonville for Christmas! I will post some pictures from her party soon.
Happy Fifth Birthday, Lollie!!!


Ellen E said...

I showed this picture to Lynette and she said that LA looks like a miniature Cameron Diaz. I can see that too!

Brenda and Brantley said...

Is your sweet girl really five? Really? She looks so old with her bangs grown out and she is absolutely beautiful as always. I hate she got sick on her bday. No fun. :( Hope you're feeling better Bri. Love y'all!