In case some of you don't know, I have a passion for photography. I realized it, or maybe I should say that I realized how strong of a passion it was, right after we moved from North Carolina, two February's ago. I didn't know what I wanted to do with that passion except simply learn how to take better pictures.
Over the past couple years I believe I have improved. I know I've learned alot, but I also know that I have a ton more to learn. This past December, I learned of a photography scholarship called
Soar! After considering applying, talking with Chris, and praying about it, I decided to apply. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide everything necessary to start a successful photography business: the gear, business coaching, photography assignments, blogging, etc.
I did not win the scholarship, and when I learned that, at first I was very discouraged. Very discouraged. I had thought that this was my one chance if anything was ever going to happen with my love for photography. How was I going to get better if I didn't have the proper equipment?
Well, I am so very extremely thankful to God for providing a way for us to finally purchase a DSLR camera for me! I just received it in the mail last week and I'm so excited about learning how to use it! I never thought that one week after finding out that I didn't win the scholarship, Chris and I would realize that we would have the ability to buy a good camera for me. God is so good!
I still have access to many, many benefits of the Soar! program. I am following along the journey of the 3 winners this year and participating in the photography assignments from home. I hope to learn how to use manual settings on my camera to step out of "auto mode" and achieve "the perfect shot". I hope to grow as a business person, learning all the how-to's of starting a business and being successful. I hope that my passion overflows into my work, capturing moments in time that will be meaningful to families for years to come.
I don't know exactly the plan that God has for me in this. I know it's a risk, saying my dream out loud for all the universe to hear, but I do know that God gave me a passion and a desire, and so I'm going for it. Yes, I'm scared. And nervous. But I'm excited. I'm going to do this. I'm going to see where God takes me on this journey. Will you join me?