Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Big 3-0!!

This past weekend, my wonderful husband celebrated his 30th birthday! I went on Facebook and asked 30 of our friends and family to write Chris a little birthday wish. I printed off the notes, stuck them on colored cardstock and put all 30 on this cork board in our house, along with a big 3-0!
This is the card from Laura Anne and Caleb. Laura Anne wrote it herself (well I obviously told her what letters to write, but she wrote them by herself):
When we take down the notes, they will go their permanent home: a scrapbook, of course!
So anyway, Saturday we had lunch at Steak N Shake with some family. Chris' parents, my parents and my brother, Brandon and his family were able to come be with us.

Then we went back to the house to have cake and ice cream, and play a fun game of Disney's Scene It.

We had a lovely time! Then on Sunday, my oldest brother, Steve, and his clan came down to be with us and we spent the day at Downtown Disney!

We had a super great time and I took lots more pictures. You can see them all if you click HERE.
Thanks to everyone who helped make Chris' birthday awesome!!!!

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