The most I've done as far as trimming Laura Anne's hair up to this point has been trimming her bangs. Chris and I both like her hair long, but it was growing out crooked so yesterday we decided to take her to a wonderful place called Snip-its. Having never been to a place like this, I was surprised she handled it so well. She was a very good girl while the nice lady was trimming away. She actually had so much fun, she cried when we left! So here are some pictures of the momentus occasion! Enjoy!Before...
The first snips
I love this picture.
What a little ham!
Two inches of her beautiful hair, and you would think that I would have thought to save some. I guess the pregnancy stupids got a hold of me because it didn't occur to me until we were on our way home! Bummer.
After the cut. How sweet!
We're all done! She had a pleasant first experience, I think. And if I may say so, she looks adorable! :o)

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