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I'm still great with child. We thought that Friday was going to be the day. I woke up at 3 AM having regular, crampy contractions. It lasted for 4 hours and then they dwindled. At this point, (Sunday afternoon) I'm still having contractions on a consistent basis, although they are not completely regular. I really haven't stopped having them since they started early Friday morning, but because they are so irregular, I haven't called my midwife. Just when I feel like maybe we should call, they slow down and/or go away for a while. It's getting old, to be perfectly honest. The bag has been packed and in the car since Friday morning. Now we're just waiting. I find myself getting annoyed whenever I feel a contraction. I'm really trying hard to place it all in God's hands, knowing that He has Caleb's birth already planned out and there's no need for the frustration and impatience on my end! It's challenging, though, when the contractions keep coming back! I keep wondering "should I time them this time?" "Are these real?" "Will today be Caleb's birthday??"Oh well, keep praying for us. I know it will be soon!Here are a few pictures from last night.

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