Well, we had an eventful weekend. I already mentioned the wedding, but what I didn't mention was the scary fall, taken by my dear husband. Without going into all the details I will tell you that he fell flat on his back on the concrete from several feet in the air. Needless to say he took a trip to the urgent care Saturday night. No bones were broken, but he had a cervical sprain and a rib contusion. Basically, he hurt his neck and bruised a couple ribs pretty bad. So since then he's been taking it easy. I've been driving him to and from work. He's definitely on the mend, but it may be a while before his ribs don't hurt.
On Sunday we went to a friend's house to borrow their pool. It was very relaxing. It did good for Chris' back, too. Here are a few pictures from that day:
Laura Anne was pushing up on her arms and letting her feet float up.
1 comment:
Thanks for not including any pictures of me in my bathing suit!!
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