Me and Caleb went back to my family's house while Chris and Laura Anne stayed with his parents. My youngest brother and Chris' niece were graduating the same night, so we had to split up. Here's Caleb with his namesake, my grandfather Arthur Charlton:

Me and my "little" brother, the last of the six Lingle kids to graduate:

My pile of brothers. Sheri had to work so she couldn't be there for the graduation.

Caleb being loved on by Auntie Jen:

Me and my beautiful sisters-in-law, Alana and Jennifer:

Me and Sheri, and that goofy person behind us is Kristina. She's my brother, Ryan's girlfriend. I was not aware she was there when I snapped the picture. It was pretty funny when I looked at the picture and saw an extra face! She fits right in our crazy bunch!

Fitting in one more cuddle before Grampy had to leave. Caleb was just smiling away at him!
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